Coming Home …

Heidi Fitzsimmons
4 min readOct 23, 2019


the pathway home.

At one point or another, most of us have left or will leave our childhood home.

We leave to find adventure, seek change or because we have to; be it for college, war, or the love of our life — we leave.

A house — the roof over our heads and a dwelling that holds our stuff.

A home — more than just a roof, home is a family, it is love, comfort, and peace. That is what a home should be, at least.

And now it’s time for the Journey Home.

Why are we going home?

To see family for the holidays, a homecoming game or class reunion — or maybe a funeral?

Is “home” an actual dwelling or is it in someone’s arms? Maybe home for you isn’t a physical location, but only a memory?

Are you ready to go home?

Home by Michael Buble’

The journey toward the heart is always a journey home.


I’d like to also look at another idea of Coming Home. This home we find inside ourselves, this home is our heart.

Our holistic journey home.

Is the home inside of us a tranquil place, a place of peace?

We have reviewed a number of tools in previous articles (gratitude, prayer, meditation, and even music) that are now in our toolbox to help us find inner peace.

Armed with these tools I would like for us to find our path and to begin that journey.

Perhaps you already have, and this is great, but for those who haven’t started or have tripped and fallen let’s start our journey together, today.

Like some of you, I have been on what I presumed to be my perfect path! The problem, it was my path. I happen to believe that our God purpose will lead us down the “right” path.

When we lead with our hearts, we will and can only do good — we will make a difference.

Are you following your heart’s purpose or are you being lukewarm water?

Who asks for “ lukewarm water “?!?

Pastor Bryan, Christ Community — Smyrna TN

What does Pastor Bryan mean by that?!? Lukewarm water is not committed — it is in the “middle of the road” and it is being wishy-washy. I can’t make a nice cup of hot tea with it and I certainly cannot become refreshed from it after a hot day outside!

So I ask — are you following your path, or are you being complacent and wishy-washy?

Please, don’t get upset — absolutely no judgment from me, I’m simply asking the question.

You see, it took me a long time to actually determine my “God Purpose”. With a lot of prayers, meditation, classes and reading the book S.H.A.P.E. by Erik Reese. Cooking/Hospitality, Dog Rescue and Singing — seem to be my “correct” path, currently anyway.

So, if we are on a journey to bring our heart home, come back to a centered heart then we need to leave behind what is making us uncentered.

Similar to the college student or the love-struck girl moving to Italy — why did our peace leave us? Why are we no longer centered?

  • Are you listening to your “inner voice”
  • Do you need to change direction?
  • Are there clear markers?

How can we use our tools to find the answers to these questions? The Sermon title last week was “Finding your own Wilderness”.

This ties perfectly to our desire for a centered heart, our desire for inner peace, our desire to use our heart to make an impact and make a difference in this world.

Finding our own Wilderness “ is finding time to be quiet, finding time to just be and listen. Go for a walk outside and listen to the leaves crunch under your feet or the ocean waves lap the sandy beach.

Meditate and Pray and ask for the clear markers with the direction that you are supposed to take.

Listen to your quiet inner voice — leading you to your path and on your journey.

The Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns

Is it always going to be as simple as listening to a few songs on the radio? Sometimes we will be that lucky.

However, most times we will need to reach deeper than that — deep inside our younger selves when we had that centered heart.

  • Where were we?
  • What were we doing?
  • Where are we going?

Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!

Originally published at on October 23, 2019.



Heidi Fitzsimmons
Heidi Fitzsimmons

Written by Heidi Fitzsimmons

My name is Heidi, An Inspirational Writer & Podcaster. Rise Love Live - Encouraging you to Rise to the Occasion, Love Everyone, and Live a Life worth Living!

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