The Best Laid Plans

Heidi Fitzsimmons
4 min readAug 22, 2019


Oh, yes, I do entertain spontaneity with the best of them, but planning ahead and working towards creating memories and organizing/researching the perfect vacation, day trip or party is my sweet spot.

In my Motivation post, we take that one step further and chat about dreaming and how to become motivated to take the necessary steps in making those dreams a reality.

We also had a little fun diving into a method of goal writing in my Purging with Purpose post.

However, with all that planning we do open ourselves up to a little risk, don’t we?

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

Robert Burns / Sidney Sheldon

As “they” say … “Life happens” …

Well, that’s a little bit of a silly statement. It is life, isn’t it? So of course, it is supposed to “happen”; otherwise, what is the point? Another great quote -

Life happens to you while you are busy making other plans to live.

John Lennon

A few weeks ago we had a “guest pastor”, Pastor Dennis. His sermon dove deeper into the passage from Luke 12:16–21, the Parable of the Rich Fool, a parable from Jesus which depicts the futility of the belief that wealth can secure prosperity or a good life.

Pastor Dennis took a different perspective where he ‘sat down with the widow to plan the farmer’s funeral’. The jest of this particular parable, the farmer spends all of his time building bigger barns to hold his amazing crops and promises his wife over and over again “when it is done we will go and spend time with our kids in our beautiful dream home where we will retire”.

Well, as we know, tomorrow isn’t promised.

When life closes in on you.

You were certain! This time, you had created the best plan with the best road map, but something went wrong, anyway.

However, this time, your derailment is a bit more than just a blip in the plan or a quick detour in your route!

All of a sudden, the feelings of stress and anxiety begin to creep in.

That’s when you need to re-evaluate your situation, circumstance, to-do list and your plan!

Okay, check, we know what happened and why, but how do I remove this crushing stress and anxiety that has taken over my body and mind?

You can pray — do you pray? We have a post to chat about that!

You can meditate. The simple act of meditation, listening to and finding your breath will calm you and begin to lift the anxiety.

We’ve also chatted about listening to music and/or walking to alleviate stress and anxiety, but what if the answer is even easier?

Getting some rest is most likely what you need! Step away from what you are working on, close your eyes. and just rest for a few moments,

The answer might be all of the above; with the most important, rest, and taking care of you!

We all need an “easy day” during the week, that’s why I created the Sundays are Simple movement. Remember to take that one day!


At some point, after making it through our stressful moment or situation, even if we are still working through it, we will need to come back and “re-enter” reality.

Take note, as we did in the step above, what brought us to this point?

  • Did we say “yes” too often?
  • Was our to-do list too long?
  • Did we go into over-drive and over-load our “system”?
  • Are we not sleeping enough?
  • Your situation, here …

Next, evaluate your observation — what changes can you implement in your life or in your routine?

Use that information — just as you would protect a child from danger, “protect” yourself by avoiding a repeat of this moment and remembering to take care of yourself.

Finally, what does it take to get us pumped up and “re-enter” the real world?

I will let you ponder on that, as each situation will require a different plan (see how I did that?!?).

With all of that said, we also need to recognize that throughout everyone’s life we will cycle through ups and downs, some harder than others.

The answer to this big mystery? Balance — we need to find a way to balance all of the balls that we are juggling.

Take time to dream, plan, write goals, but also make time for the most important things in life.

Otherwise, you will burn yourself out — trust me!

Let me say it again -

The most important things in life are also the ones that are the most easily postponed.

Pastor Dennis Winkleback

Peace and Blessings, my friends!

Originally published at on August 22, 2019.



Heidi Fitzsimmons
Heidi Fitzsimmons

Written by Heidi Fitzsimmons

My name is Heidi, An Inspirational Writer & Podcaster. Rise Love Live - Encouraging you to Rise to the Occasion, Love Everyone, and Live a Life worth Living!

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